Monday, September 7, 2009


I admit it. I'm a nerd. A geek, a dork, member of the A/V Club or whatever else they are calling it these days. Learning excites me. I was the only girl thrilled for the first day of school. Sharpened pencils, 70 pages of empty paper waiting to be filled, new textbooks to read through. I loved school so much then during my Senior Year of high school when we could choose 3 classes as fun I went with Science Fiction English, Creative Writing 2, and Geology.

In my mind, I can't grasp how someone can not love learning. I'm technically not in school right out. I'm going back to college after a financial break starting September 28th but during this break I've still been teaching myself things. Free web courseware, iTunes U downloads, books, books, books! I'm currently teaching myself Latin and looking to get my German to conversational. Maybe learn French again so Sarah and I can converse. Languages are pretty. History is fascinating. Science is useful. Math and I do not have the best relationship but I know what I need to get by and will take the classes I need to complete my degree.

Obama pushing education makes me happy inside. I wish this country did pride itself in it's brains more often. The educational system needs a lot of reform. Your education these days seems to be up to you to pursue it. Schools are not across the board. In my hometown, education was pivotal. Stupidity just didn't go down well. Ignorance was hard to get by with. People took honors classes, applied and got into Ivy League schools, and we constantly had state standardized tests to make sure we were where we should be. I've lived in a few other cities and I realize I had it good. People do not get elective classes. You can pass a class just by showing up. Some kids pass because there is nothing else to do. Math and spelling are not the core basics and many people do not have a good grasp of them. I'm torn if this is the best way for things to be. If we make one standard education system, you will still have the slackers who fail classes because they don't believe in the system. And there's not enough time to cover all subjects so students will still have to look outside of school to really cover subjects they have a passion for. Alas, I can still dream of a world where everyone is well educated and wants to be though.

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